are we crazy

Not enough time to do all the things I want to do.

Am I crazy to want to use my skills of dehydrating and canning, etc towards just reducing my every day costs and getting things done?

Example; cooking and using spaghetti squash. What a pain to cut, cook, and we only use 1/2 a good size squash at a time. Cooking a batch and freezing worked, but didn’t like the quality. Dehydration was the way to go. So right now, have a couple of whole ssquash (with holes poked into the skin) roasting in the solar oven. Then, split, seed, and dehydrate the inners.

It also worked with butternut, although that was done on the oven as did 4 at one time. only 2 squash fit well into the solar oven. But now that I have some stockpiled, just doing 4 at a time keeps the inventory in good shape.

Plan on canning some bacon this weekend and maKing some breakfast sausage which will also be canned. No freezer space required, and when we want/need its done.

My husband will be having some surgeries this year and know haVing foods on hand will make life easier than having to run to the store all the time! And with “supply chain shortages” a real thing now, there’s nothing wrong with having essentials on hand, right? and lets be honest, prices are NOT going to go down appreciatively any time soon. So buy when its on sale or the quality/quantity is available and have it for when its not! Will not be growing spaghetti squash this year, but am trying a good yellow fleshed winter squash along with the usual zucchini. That worked out well last year with zoodle-ing the zucchini and freezing it. But liked the Spaghetti squash more as it held up better. This year, may try zoodling zucchini and dehydrating it.

There is also the need to cook and dehydrate more rice. maybe this afternoon will get on that.

Just sooo much to do all the time. How did our ancesters/elders cope?? Well, they didn’t have to answer the phone or bill customers or work a full time job at the same time did they?

beware the Ides of April

For the first time in 5 years, tax deadline is once again April 15th. Caesar may have been stabbed on March 15th, today we ALL get stabbed! Saw some interesting statistics today, where do our tax dollars go? The government collects an estimated $4 TRILLION from us common folk. Biggest slice is back into Social Security (they should never have touched it!), Health Care is next and between the two amount to 50% of our tax dollars. Third is Military. and fourth, and between military and this one, another 25% is accounted for, INTEREST ON THE U.S. Debt! Not principle, Just the interest!!

So was thinking, and know we all are thinking similar thoughts every time we see holes in the “supply chain”, WTF?!?!?! Did we EVER think this would be America????

More importantly, how do we interpret what is happening so we can prepare for what ever the hell is going on?

Yeah, go the supermarket on Superbowl Sunday and the snack section is wiped out along with soft drinks. Extra special pricing on butter or eggs – off they go. But on a day to day (in my case Sunday to Sunday) basis, how does the entire case of Eggs disappear. Even organic eggs at $10/dozen are gone! Not just in one store, but several!! Empty shelves instead of Milk. During Covid, being in a state that produces Chicken and Beef, we had both, but little pork. But outside that, how do we still have supply chain shortages on American (it should be, better be!!) produce and meat/poultry?

Now, we’re seeing empty Gas tanks. This is a tourist town and we’re 90 miles from the states biggest city (conglomerate of cities actually), and 45 miles from the third biggest city. We get something like 3.5 million visitors a year with a permanent population of just under 10,000. So we have gas stations. And people are reporting going for gas and finding none. Now, they are not being specific (only super? only regular? Only on Tuesdays?) and it is possible that our discount stations are selling out over a busy weekend. Understand that allocations are based on how much the station sold in the same period last year, so more tourists this year could mean more gas being used in the same period this year.

But, really? A few years ago (before Covid) the Pipeline that brings gasoline to our state broke and we neither had shortages nor crazy prices! Now? This isn’t supply and demand economics.

To top it all off, husband is having health issues and is facing some major surgery. Biopsy tomorrow, but no results until Monday and that will determine what happens after that, but kidney removal is absolute. So I’m preparing the house and food so I don’t have to leave for a while plus trying to get my garden together. And age is giving me a hard time there! What usually takes a matter of hours is taking days cause I need lots of rest and aspirin between sessions!!

solar cooking time again

Actually, all year is solar cooking time, but as we eat dinner at noon, sometimes there isn’t enough daylight in the morning during the winter for the solar oven to get hot enough. This little cooker is great for 2 people, and today found that a couple of hours is enough to cook a teeny bit of meat (older people eat less). and one hour is too long for asparagus.

The little silicone bags are from Zip Lock and are GREAT! They have heavy enough to use in the freezer and not get freezer burn. They work in the solar oven and can just be washed and re-used again. The seal is thick, easy to seal, easy to open, but secure in the meantime.

The cooker itself is old enough that the carry handle has just rotted out. A season of AZ sun and the material is done for. BOOOO. Even the rings busted through so no easy back pack with this toy.


some days, it feels that life is getting weirder by the minute. Other times, wonder if its all in my conspiracy theorist imagination. Talked yesterday with a friend who will be named CLUELESS. He does not see any of the warning signs we do. The price of gold sky rocketing as it has been gets a shrug. The government spending at pandemic levels for WHAT??? gets another. The people poring over the border is a That’s a good thing. Homelessness means the government isn’t spending enough. Of course, CLUELESS is a never Trumper. Now, they are entitled to their opinion and to vote their opinion, but to vote for ANYONE BUT without paying attention to what they bring to the table is a terrible thing – in my POV.

But to my conspiracy theorist imagination, today experimented with oven canning using the Solar Oven. I eat my Oatmeal on a daily basis, or nearly so, which means the 10# bulk bin does not go bad before its done. But there’s a bin of brown rice in there to be repacked, and want to get back to bread making. So 4 x 1.5q jars of rolled oats into the solar oven. They are too tall for the front, or at least so that the glass closes, but for oven canning, don’t think it matters much if its propped open some. temp got to 225 which is more than adeqate for the job!

Thinking and reading

A dangerous thing to do sometimes. Today I was thinking about books I’ve read that have influenced me to where I am today.

Now, I’m a voracious reader, averaging a book a day since I was about 5 years old. Yes there have been days when I didn’t read – rare, but they happened. then again, there have been days when I’ve read 2-3 books at a sitting. As a child read children’s books, but was still in single digits when I began reading books about archeology, particularly the Aztec, Mayan, Olmecs. Yes, Egypt. Got into Arthurian fiction. Also biographies; there are a lot of biographies aimed at younger readers!! Science fiction was a long time favorite – and then there is Bradbury.

And Bradbury brought me around to the difference between Dystopian fiction and Apocalyptic fiction. Had long thought that Earth Abides was the book that got me thinking about survival – as an individual and as a society. I read that sometime in my early teens, between 13 and 16.

But what about Fahrenheit 451? A society that was presented strictly through the aspect of reading and books, but is to my older eyes, socialist. a Nanny State. Where people had their lives dictated. While Fahrenheit 451 did not go to the before or after, what was the general decline of freedom that lead to a society that was so easily controlled? and where would that society go when productivity of the populace declined to where it could not support the populace? Because you know that will happen!

1984 is the big book that most of us think as the mark of our changing society. Some toss in Brave New World. Both read when I was in my later teens. Fahrenheit 451 when I was probably still a single digit age or just about, Earth Abides a few years later. Then Brave New World. Then 1984. Then Animal Farm. Later still, Atlas Shrugged. Atlas Shrugged seems to be about where we are now, but instead of the quiet revolution of John Galt, will we have something more violent as it all falls apart and people begin to riot and destroy as their lives fall apart, food becomes even more difficult to find. Ayn Rand didn’t see that. Then again, Atlas Shrugged never really goes that extra step, does it?

Now we have TONS of Apocalyptic fiction to choose from – EMP’s, Plagues, General government take overs. The last I read was about Civil Forfeiture; someone who just said no and fought back creating a revolution. A couple I read seemed to have no beginning or end, just basically government overreach pushing everything to a breaking point, but never the other side being represented as to what they were looking to accomplish – just the POV of the people trying to survive, usually in violent gun battles. Like video games and the most popular movies, lots of explosions, noise, flames, etc. No point, just a lot of BANG!!

One had an excellent idea, just start pushing elected officials to start answering the question, How are you going to keep to your oath of office? Or, Why are you breaking your Oath of Office. how do you justify that LIE?!

And that all leads to another thought. It was very much a thing of those rebellious years of the mid-60’s to -70’s to read these books. Yes I read Marx. and it was pretty obvious THAT was a plan that was not going to work!!

Never read Mein Kempf nor Mao’s little red book, although I know some did.

Were we programming ourselves? Did reading those books make what is happening now to be more obvious as to their end result? It doesn’t seem so. Despite so many making reference to our society becoming more 1984ish, a lot of people don’t seem to care. In reference to the Oath of Office question, something I’ve asked frequently, people seem willing to give up their freedom readily. They don’t want the responsibility that freedom brings. They’d rather be safe. Take what is happening in Arizona right now; a rancher in southern Arizona is being tried for murder. He went out of his house, armed, seeing armed men crossing his property – AGAIN! an “undocumented” – gotta be PC here – alien was shot and killed. His gun DOES NOT match the bullet. No eye witnesses. But he’s on trial for murder. The government is not keeping him and his family safe. They would rather take his gun. They would rather this man and his family cower in their homes in fear while armed criminals – and they are doing a whole bunch of illegal activities like human trafficking – cut through his property. and if they should decide to enter his home? They should die, cowering in their bathroom????? You speak to an Anti Gun person about this and the reaction in their brain is something like Johnny 5 or Robbie the Robot going through a “that does not compute” breakdown. They will stay with the Anti Gun stance and just say things like That would never happen, or they should move. Isn’t that simple. A couple of 70 year olds, who will not be able to sell their property, should just give up their family home of decades, their life style, and MOVE! With what money and where would they go?

Am not interested in seeing blood in the streets, some of which might end up being mine, no thank you!! But kind of think the Oath of Office idea has merit. Would really like to see our elected officials keeping their Oath of Office and thinking about the people of this country rather than enriching themselves. But getting rich and scheming and scamming seem to be the order of the day. See Wayne LaPierre!

Have no answers, just more thinking going on . . .

generational angst

Yesterday my partner’s doctor was encouraging him to take certain medication because “we want to extend your life another 20-25 years”. and my sweetie said, “the way things are going in this country, I don’t want to live another 20 years”. He’s 73, but his Dad lived to 92, his Mom to 98, so that 20-25 years is realistic.

We often look at what is going on politically and socially, and while we both rail against the direction, we, at least I, have accepted that this is no longer our world. What we experienced in freedom, already somewhat curtailed, was glorious compared to what is happening today. But the other side of that is that today, a lot of people do not want the responsibility that comes with that freedom. Actually, there are generations that have implored “someone should do something about that”, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions leading to issues, they want someone else to make sure the situation never even comes up in the first place. And the “someone” is government; be it local, state, or federal.

You smoked, you risked cancer. First the government put warning labels on those packages, and then they started cracking down on the where and when you could smoke. Because people who were developing cancer (more often their families) were suing the tobacco companies. They took the risk of getting cancer by smoking, but someone “should have done something about that”.

People where killing themselves in traffic accidents by propelling their bodies into windshields during a sudden stop. First the government ordered seat belts as mandatory, then when people still didn’t take their own responsibility for fastening those seat belts, they tried all kinds of different techniques to keep cars from starting unless the seat belts were fist fastened.

Now we have to find ways to keep people from leaving their kids in their cars when they go to work because they’ve forgotten the kids are there and just gone to work and left them to die in the parking lot. Someone has to do something about that! Far be in that people be responsible for their own actions!

Now, we are also seeing the change in the way people are thinking because of the bias of media and the education system. Why do we have to teach a separate black history? Why can’t we teach history? One that shows how America gradually put aside slavery, ultimately leading to the Civil War to push that to being the norm. Why not teach that there were blacks that held slaves as well as whites that ran the underground railroad? Why not mention the thousands of whites that lost their lives to free the slaves instead of depicting all whites as evil racists?

Why don’t we teach how the great American experiment of democracy changed the way countries’ were run all over the world? and why not teach how we used our might to change things, sometimes for the good, and sometimes not. Sometimes we were help, sometimes we were harm. Just like all others before us. Why don’t we teach about pork barreling anymore? We vilify congressman John because he voted against that veteran’s (or senior, or health care) bill. No one mentions that he didn’t vote against that important bill, he voted against the billions of wasted dollars that were going into the 27 useless bills that were tacked on to that bill in a fight to get the first bill passed! The way of votes; sure, I’ll vote for your important bill, but you have to support my useless bill that will make my main election donor happy, says 27 other congress people until there is a whole lot of money being thrown into the garbage so we can have that one important bill. But we don’t teach that, or report that, anymore.

In my life time, I”ve seen injustice on a large scale. some that wasn’t widely publicized, like Leonard Peltier, and some that has been dragged into the mainstream like the hundreds of Indian children who died without proper burial at the many religious run schools. where children that were basically kidnapped from their families were forced to give up their language, their culture, their lives, denounce their families and religion to become “white”. At the same time, their culture, their language, was used by the military to send messages that the enemy could not intercept; Code Talkers were not limited to the Navajo. The message to the Indian is, we will use when we can, the rest of the time, we have no use for you. Stay out of our sight.

Lately, have been reading about LeVoy Finicum (look him up if you have to) and am embarrassed to say that I’d forgotten him myself. But I do remember the news reports at the time, which were initially unbiased, that he was shot in cold blood, that there was no gun. That the media eventually portrayed him and the entire group as being traitors and domestic terrorists instead of hard working ranchers asking for their freedom from government oversight. Over time, the videos that showed him being shot with hands in the air disappeared. and the trials that proved that government agents infiltrated their group and literally set him up in an ambush did not get wide publicity.

Just like the early films of 2020 showing the protestors being ushered into the Capital by Capital police disappeared until Tucker Carson started showing them. Unfortunately, Tucker has made himself so far right, most don’t believe him. But we watched the event live on TV, before the narrative turned. We saw it happen.

We saw the protest after the 2016 election that burned buildings and trashed vehicles parked on the street, but no one wants to talk about those protests. We saw white nationalists being beaten by young black men and just walking on, not engaging. But no one reported that. The protests in Portland, OR that have turned parts of that city into No Man’s Land. Still on going today.

I live in AZ and we know first hand the trouble that comes with undocumented people crossing the border. Oh, I do feel for the desperation that those people must feel to walk thousands of miles and put their trust in people who are only interested in the money they can collect for the “service” of bring these people through the desert. People who have no problem with dropping their charges at the first sign of border patrol so they die where they stand. People who have no problem with taking money to bring children into this country then basically enslaving them because there is no one to speak for them.

But as I recently read, too often we are bogged down with talking about the problems, and how we got to the problems, without working towards real solutions. Our failing education system, our border situation, the lack of jobs to support the people who have been encouraged to go into deep debt to get useless degrees. These are problems that are discussed endlessly, but with no real end game, so no solutions.

And the record employment rate, the low unemployment rate. (1) government is the largest hiring business on record. Record employment is record big government (2) unemployment rates are measured by the number of people on record as looking for a job. When you fall off the unemployment insurance collection numbers, you fall off the unemployment rate numbers. All those people living in tents and in cars and in old train tunnels are NOT measured in the unemployment statistics.

Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to help people who have not experienced what we did, to know what they are giving up. They don’t even want to experience what we did! They are involved in their social media and isolated worlds; their safe spaces and no risk life. They don’t know how unemployment is measured. They don’t know about children trafficking at the border. They don’t know that they have been stinted on their education. What they do know is what they don’t have. They don’t have the clothes, the travels, the life their favorite influencer touts. They don’t know that strawberries don’t grow in January in America. They don’t know their favorite food comes from China where there is no inspection or certification. They decry Climate Change but buy and throw away, they use plastic everywhere in their environment, but want to stop oil. They turn a blind eye to human rights abuses in mines for the Lithium, Cobalt and Nickel they want for their “green” cars. and they don’t really want to know because it does not fit into the narrative that they have been fed by government and media.

and they don’t want to know either.

So my sweetie,doesn’t want to live his full life potential. Not that he will have much choice in the matter,nor will I. But what we are living is not the future we had envisioned 40-50 years ago, and its moving farther and farther away from that vision every day.


Post covid we saw an increase in prepping, canning, gardening, etc. so its already been years since the shut down, covid is now part of our lives permanently, no one wants to go back to work, and the interest in prepping seems to have declined.

What I do find fascinating, is post Covid, we are seeing so many canning lid companies springing up! What’s with that? While I have a fairly decent stock of Ball lids made pre-Covid, have been really interested in, and surprised by, the incredible number of new players! Tatler was problematic for me. Too much loss in the learning curve. Have tried Superb and am happy with them. They seem to make a harder seal than the Ball. Will they last as long?

Did invest in an electric canner. with a small kitchen, and only the two of us, too often found myself just wanting to can 3 or so jars. Such a waste of space and energy to use the big All American or the Presto for that. PLUS how much room the canner took up on the stove when it was time to cook a meal. It has its own idiosyncrasies, but is proven to be a useful tool. Not only for canning, but to use as a slow cooker for things like corned beef, rice, beans. Rice gets dehydrated. Beans are either canned or dehydrated. With the winter, it will include things like pot roast as this unit does have a browning setting!

looks like I’m going to be moving from Goal Zero to Jackery to alternate power. Goal Zero is very expensive but their technology is not advancing on certain fronts. They still probably have the biggest whole house unit going. and should my husband not make it through his surgery next month (god forbid. am not ready to be without him just yet no matter how much of a PIB that he is), one of my first purchases would be for their 6000 watt unit, an expansion tank and the home hook up.

What started it all was trying to get another of the 100w units from Goal Zero that I absolutely love. Well, they have changed it and it is not so versatile as the old one. so as I looked around, the Jackery offered the best alternative. Goal Zero no longer has proprietary on the 8mm plug either as it works with the jackery unit just fine!

One of my next tools though, all things being equal, is probably going to be an auxiliary fridge/freezer with the battery unit that can be solar charged. Will make a nice extra when i need freezer space, and a place to put the frozen stuff when I defrost my big freezer. Still have a goal of turning my VW Westy into a tow camper, replacing engine and gas tank with storage, adding solar, and the fridge/freezer plus potty.

Oh well, am procrastinating big time, must get to work

2024, does it get better?

realized am not posting much in this forum, and it certainly is not that I have nothing to say! But thinking on it, find am actually AFRAID to say it!  It is no longer wise to openly discuss our freedoms, or our longing for them, or our loss of them; especially the first and second amendments!

We are living in a time that many of us – born before about 1970 or so – would ever thought to see the Oath Keepers labeled as a terrorist group! To see members of congress – who should all be Oath Keepers – looked askance because at others who do belong!

We never thought we’d see our statues brought down because a bunch of people were offended by them, without thought to the millions of people who were offended BECAUSE they were torn down. It was like a bunch of kindergartners having a temper tantrum, screaming no no no and I hate you to their parents because they wanted their way and nothing else mattered! These are the people who are voting for their feelings, not any facts

These are the people screaming that someone has to put the brakes on climate change, but have no interest in changing their life style to make it happen.

These are the people who are pointing at baby boomers as being responsible for all this mess, and crying about their lack of prosperity without having a clue as to how they have been isolated from reality and how much freedom they have compared to everyone else in the world!

So yeah, we are responsible for that – ending the draft allowed them to put off maturity for a decade. Giving them the right to vote, allowed them to vote their feelings. Our need to make sure our children had it better than us spoiled them with time out instead of punishments and consequences. 

and, Oh yeah, the people that are screaming about the evils of the rich as they make people like Taylor Swift and Beyonce and Rhiannon richer than rich. But its okay to see them with $2500 boots and multiple houses and cars. Same for the Kardashians. But Trump, who is probably not as wealthy as any of those first three women, is an evil man for his money!

These are the Never Trumpers who are thrilled to see him being pulled off ballots by courts, without trial, without a chance to defend himself, without even any proof of the accusations against him. They are so thrilled that he is not going to be able to run, that they fail to see that Democracy is letting the people choose, not letting the people choose between candidates the parties and courts have deemed acceptable. Was anyone surprised Xi or Putin were re-elected? of course not, who could run against them. Biden will be finding the same in 2024 unless something drastic happens.

and we have a large bulge in the population now, as us boomers are dying off, who are going to vote for that Democratic Socialism. They are going to vote for the government to be responsible for them and take care of them. Their children will never know the freedoms their parents have had and chose to throw away.

speaking in a general way about responsibility, how many of you know someone who is majoring in “film” or “designing video games”? Think there is going to be a glut of them on the market in a few years. Another group with big college debt and not a job in sight!

oh well, could continue to rant, but other than getting more and more frustrated as I do so, am going to make lunch instead.

what does EOTWAWKI mean?

The End of the World as We Know It happens pretty much every day. at 74 I can look back and know there was a time when my grandparents would consider my monthly Social security Check amount a fortune! My Dad supported his small family (wife, daughter, himself) on the same amount. He was even, thanks to his local bank, able to afford a little Porsche for his commute to work and our weekend/vacation driving pleasure. That same amount of money wont pay our monthly expenses, much less allow for putting money aside for property taxes and insurance!

What does it mean when SHTF? Have a grand nephew living in Phoenix. Got his girlfriend pregnant a few years ago and they had a lovely daughter. When she was almost three, the girlfriend ended up pregnant again (SURPRISE!) and now he has a cute son of some 4 months old and a 3+ year old daughter. In July they bought a house that comes with a $3200/month mortgage. and he’s just lost his job. Easily SHTF for them

He’s young and he’s been making some major mistakes with his life. While he works fairly hard and is pretty smart, he’s been about chasing the money plus has a major attitude. Can’t count how many jobs he’s had in the last five years. None of them have lasted a year. He bought this house with a minimum down payment that mostly came from his folks and us. unfortunately, he’s made it joint ownership with his girlfriend. and she doesn’t do much other than pump out babies and expect him to take care of her in the style to which she would like to become accustomed. His folks have already told him, the banks closed and we’ve said the same. His Mom wants him to move back home with babies in tow, girl friend to be left behind.

End of the World as they both know it if that happens.

Right now, he’s looking at Border Patrol for his next job, but that would mean he would not be home day in and day out. just for his days off. the responsibility for childcare, cooking, cleaning will fall to the girl friend – also EOTWAsheKI!

So it doesn’t mean an EMP, it doesn’t mean a pandemic – oh wait, we did have that and it pretty much was an EOTWAWKI event for everyone! It does mean any life changing event.

SHTF is anything that puts you unexpectedly in a major hustle situation; from job loss, major illness, accident, fire, etc.

So prepping is about those SHTF and EOTWAWKI moments.

My sweetie wants to retire, and for many reasons, including our own poor decisions, we are not economically ready for this. I’ve decided to put what extra money I can scrape up into prepping a larger garden and putting food by. Have spent the last few days canning meats. Thought about making some nice beef soup this week and ended up buying a london broil at $6.99/lb. 5 years ago, I could get an entire beef tenderloin for $6.99/lb!! Since meat won’t get cheaper (and if it does, I’ll buy and can that too!), got a second one and am canning them as I write this. Because retirement will absolutely be an EOTWAWKI event!

We can’t prep for every eventuality, but we can do the best we can. and so we are.

mabon update

Was wondering if things could get worse, crazier, more ridiculous, and guess the answer is yes!

country is going broke, Government keeps sending money to the Ukraine even though the majority of people are done with that. President has tied a meager amount of aide money for people in Maui who had their entire town destroyed by a wild fire, to a huge amount of money for the Ukraine. If you don’t vote for the Ukraine money, you are immediately against seding aide money to Maui!

Think we can all agree with this statement!

did pick up a Carey electric canner. Small batches, also a slow cooker and pressure cooker, so has actually been getting some use for cooking beans, tomato sauce, pork for making pulled pork, corned beef, as well as canning and a little attention to get it started and then its on its own, leaving the stove top free!

Will be expanding the garden BIG TIME for next year as am setting up a large grow bag for onions and carrots and prepping an area to do corn in containers! Thought that was a pretty neat idea as it means I can turn the containers around so the outer stalks become the inner ones for pollenation.

we are letting go of our business, and though our economics are shaky, am investing in the garden rather than the bank as think the “interest” earned will be higher with the garden!!

and having bees absolutely did increase yields from the garden. ABSOLUTELY!