did it

Something I said I would never do, joined the NRA.

While I believe in what they do, they have been so controversial, have said some really off the wall things that were more inflammatory than not, and there is always that feeling that members will be targeted when the political tide turns.   Then there is there absolute PUSH for the GOP, with whom I have a great many disagreements on policy, that I began to feel that NRA meant National Republican Association!

But, as we come closer to this election, I think the NRA may be more important that we can imagine, especially if Hilary wins.

and since I’m already holder of a CCW permit,  I’m on what ever list I’m going to be on.


I get a cool leather jacket as a life time member!  Not a big deal, I’m over 65 now and they make a deal for us oldsters.

still at it

Have finally accepted that I’ll never be able to go through my life with one all purpose holster, because, unlike men, will never go through life wearing just variations of pants and shirts.

So have moved to narrowing my choices to one draw position for all different carry choices.

CanCan concealment holster: this is a belly band but sitting further down on the hips. Much better for woman’s carry.  Cross draw position has worked best for coping with the various bodily parts that are in the way, like belly and boobs.  Only complaint is, if I bend way over, despite what their product description says, my full size gun falls out. This holster works with elastic waist, yoga pants, skirts, etc. The can comes in different widths (I’ve got the full size 6″, but they have narrower). with its fancy stitching, depending on what you are carrying, you might get away with wearing this OVER your clothing like a fancy belt and adding a jacket, sweater, or vest.

OWB holster: for when wearing jeans, or jean like pants.  Sturdy belt, cross draw position.  This works even with high waisted mom jeans. Just requires a long cover up of some sort (why I took up knitting)

Carry purse: Since I carry on my left side, even when on body carrying, this helps obscure any printing from the butt of the gun.  BUT when I have to use the purse to carry because of wearing a dress, this puts the gun in pretty much the same position of cross draw.

So that’s what I’ve come to FINALLY.  hate to think of how much I’ve spent on holsters and miscellaneous as I tried different guns and different methods of carry to get here.

wonder why

Discovered this became a ramble, but there is a point at the end 🙂

Back before PREPPER was a common term, guess I was one.  Not a survivalist, which is what some think became preppers, but aware that there could be an EOTWAWKI.  Guess anyone who was born in the nuclear age had to have that somewhere in their consciousness, after all we grew up with the early Sci Fi movies of beings from out of space (my two favorites – Day the Earth Stood Still and War of the Worlds), nuclear annihilation (Dr. Strangelove), duck and cover drills in grade school (actually all the way through at least 8th grade), Strontium 90 tainted milk and cookies, Cuban Missile Crisis, the cold war and bomb shelters.

But do remember always keeping plenty of food on hand along with extra water from my first apartment on.  Back in the 70’s, living in NYC, learning to can, dehydrate, baking, and other skills.  Unusual behavior at the time.  Oh, we could get stuck in a black out for a few days (lived through the first two NYC black outs without difficulty), blizzard making it difficult to get to the store, or at least for the store to get deliveries (even in NYC).  Will never forget one Sunday heading out on cross Country skies in manhattan and being upset because the Times wasn’t available!

Later that day, my boyfriend and I went downtown intending to see Ghandi, which had just opened, presuming we’d miss the crowds, NOT! Not much keeps New Yorkers down!

So what brought this all on? today as I was reading something came across a reference to On The Beach.  My mom was a Neville Shute fan and had most of his books and so read them early on.  Mom was from England and was amazed at how accurate his descriptions of war torn Britain were in books written before the war had really begun.  Of course, now I understand that he was intelligent, and engineer, and had lived through WWI, so it was probably relatively easy to understand and imagine what the destruction would and could be, as well as be aware of where technology stood at the time and what that meant to war fare.

On the Beach affected me deeply, as it probably did everyone who either read the book or saw the movie.

Was only about 16 when I read Earth Abides.  Another post Apocalyptic novel, that I see mentioned more and more often.  Written in 1949, it saw the end of the world through pandemic and at that place in my life, that triggered something in me.  An awareness of how fragile our entire planet is, not just from war, but from many other things.

From that point on, despite my circumstances, was always conscious of Something Could Happen any time.

It was only moving out here to AZ from the Metropolitan area that I was able to expand my ideas of preparing.  Of course, there is more information readily available, more ideas, more technology making things happen – both for the prepper and to push us closer to the brink!

Guess, getting older has made a difference too.  Do not see either my sweetie or I just sitting back in a chair and waiting to die no matter how old we are or what happens.  At the same time we have to consider what we can do at 70, at 80, to keep going!

and speaking of partners, He has not always understood what I’ve been about with this.  Fortunately, my shopping habit has extended to the matter of supplies and tools rather than clothing and shoes and handbags.  Not that I’m not woman enough to want those things, but have become quite adept at thrifting and making, keeping my $$ available for my prepping.

But this election cycle has him suddenly aware.  Its like he’s been hit in the head with a cosmic 2 x 4. Suddenly he’s conscious of how easily our electric and water and food supplies could be disrupted.  How quickly things could go wrong.  Of course, watching the mishandling of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, the floods in Louisiana, the forest fires in California  – forget the fires, we’ve been out there a couple of times on business the past year and have been awed at the effects of the drought!  Add to that terrorists attacks, living in the southwest and the awareness of how vulnerable we are on our border (watching the original Red Dawn today, early infiltration coming in over the Mexican border).  Its all adding up.

Then you go to the grocery store and find California fruits and veggies being discounted, plenty of meat and poultry on the shelves, Nestle still selling bottled water from CA (arrowhead if you don’t know), and its hard to keep on high alert. Its hard to bend your brain around the idea that all this could come to a screeching halt instantly.

Because there isn’t anything in the back of the grocery store, its all on the shelves.  When its gone, its gone.  The same for the hardware stores, the clothing stores, the drug store. So even in a small city like here, it wouldn’t take long for the shelves to empty and people to panic.

To be honest, expect that a lot of people would immediately leave town and head for the cities.  Either to reach family or because they think government help will come to cities first.  We were deserted in the days immediately following 9/11/01.  It was very eerie.

So all this brings me back to the question of why? Why did it trigger ideas and thoughts and awareness in me and not in other people?  Why didn’t everyone who saw those sci fi movies, read those books, start advocating change?  Why did I learn skills that others thought were outdated and old fashioned? Why did it take so long for my sweetie to wake up?

More and more people are waking up to the fact that we are really close to that edge, but so many more or still asleep when we need to be developing community and plans and skills.

And no, I’m not meant to be a leader. Teacher maybe, but even that will be hard as I can’t stand people and if the SHTF, I’m going to be more of a hunker down and keep a low profile kind of person.

Still, wonder why?



While many of my posts are on prepping without spending a lot, spending some has to be done.

Some things I’ve purchased, like my Goal Zero Yeti 400, could have been done cheaper – or even not at all!  But it is something I use regularly and can continue to do so if SHTF for a few days or a few years. ($500!).  Thought I did okay with the 100W solar panel and seeing the current prices, wish I’d bought a couple ($125)

Have just invested in some Tattler lids for canning.  Recycling is always great instead of throwing away AND there might be a time down the line where there will be no way of running out and buying new canning lids.  So its time to learn how to use them. ($20)

Also just purchased a Kelly Kettle – full camping kit.  Figure this will go into the bus (if it ever gets back on the road) for regular camping.  It will be an emergency back up if we get stuck away from home, or if push comes to shove and we do have to bug out for some reason.   ($150)  And if the bus never gets put back together, we’ll tow it with the 4×4 and have a camper!

Bug out is not in our long range plans, but fires happen and we do live in that kind of area. (put together a bug out bag, $$$$ )

There is also a box out in the courtyard right now with 8 x 5 gallon water storage containers.  Drinking water is something I’ve been a bit lax on and wanted to address that. ($190)

Strangely, my darling partner in life has not seen the importance of preparing for a long time and has just humored me with my gardens (although he does like the fresh food!), canning, and stashing.

Suddenly, this election cycle has him paying a bit more attention and he’s become a more active supporter.  He was particularly pleased to find out that water filters have been high on my priority list.

He’s even getting into my desire to have an electric tricycle ($2000 – $3500) for being able to get around and move things quietly, although he can’t really get his head around the idea that there might be a time when the car isn’t an option!

And then there’s the food!!  How much have I spent on canned goods, dried goods, and even meat and chicken that’s been canned?  yes, it will get recycled into our daily eating pattern, but there’s always that “bank”.

Will we need it in our life time?  sure hope not, but our kids can inherit it all if necessary because the likelihood is, they will need it in theirs!


The things you don’t always think about, like sewing supplies, leather, fabric, yarn, books (how to and entertainment).  Sure, we might never need it, but that’s why its called preparedness.  We might never be without our services for more than a few hours, a day or two at most.  Then again, depending on who is our next president, we might find ourselves hunkering down for the duration our lives in another decade!

Just never thought I’d still be thinking about all this at this age. Thought we would have come to our senses 40 years ago.