And this is the best health care in the world?

For some strange reason was locked out of WordPress for WEEKS now! Couldn’t even get in to log in! Had to go around the building, sneak in from the blind side and finally found a log in screen and now, I’M BACK!

Not that I’ve got a lot going on here. Have been spending a lot of time with doctors the past few months and that’s been dominating my life. What is happening? well, the ultimate answer is not known, that’s why I’ve been spending so much time with doctors! Its been tests and more tests with no definitive answers – and the maybes are pretty damn scary!!

——–As you read this, remember I’m a white, middle class, senior, who lives in a small rural city that is decidedly wealthy over all. yes, we have poverty, and we have a lot of people struggling. Our position as middle class is sinking as the economy goes to hell, but we own our home outright, and our cars. so our debt levels are minimal which gives us a big advantage.——

What makes it all worse is started out with my usual primary – whom I’ve only seen for my wellness check for years now, and she kind of blew me off, ordered some blood tests and disappeared. Pushed the practice for another and she kind of blew me off and said, Oh you have anemia, take iron. Then she disappeared! Next one, said, well take another blood test and see where you are, then SHE disappeared. Found another, who said, double up on the iron and get another test in 6 weeks. and the results were FAR WORSE than the previous! so found myself ANOTHER doctor who took it all seriously and ordered a huge full panel of blood tests, x-rays, CT scan, echocardiogram, etc.

Meanwhile, back with the penultimate doctor, she called me two weeks after the blood test that scared me and said, keep taking the iron and get another blood test in 6 weeks!!

So the full panel was super scary, the Xray showed an enlarged heart, the CT scan shows “masses”. The echocardiogram was this morning and while I watched, well, what do I know? could see that my valves were working and the beat was regular, but was it enlarged due to Heart Failure? that’s the reason she called for the test and they don’t tell you anything.

So now am scrambling for an oncology specialist for the ultimate biopsy.

Anyone who tells you we have great health care in America does not live in a rural area. and if we ever get “universal health care”, can promise that even the cities will be dealing with this kind of struggle to find good attentive doctors and specialists. As an example – Oncology is for cancer patients. and the first appointments are 6 months out!!