what does EOTWAWKI mean?

The End of the World as We Know It happens pretty much every day. at 74 I can look back and know there was a time when my grandparents would consider my monthly Social security Check amount a fortune! My Dad supported his small family (wife, daughter, himself) on the same amount. He was even, thanks to his local bank, able to afford a little Porsche for his commute to work and our weekend/vacation driving pleasure. That same amount of money wont pay our monthly expenses, much less allow for putting money aside for property taxes and insurance!

What does it mean when SHTF? Have a grand nephew living in Phoenix. Got his girlfriend pregnant a few years ago and they had a lovely daughter. When she was almost three, the girlfriend ended up pregnant again (SURPRISE!) and now he has a cute son of some 4 months old and a 3+ year old daughter. In July they bought a house that comes with a $3200/month mortgage. and he’s just lost his job. Easily SHTF for them

He’s young and he’s been making some major mistakes with his life. While he works fairly hard and is pretty smart, he’s been about chasing the money plus has a major attitude. Can’t count how many jobs he’s had in the last five years. None of them have lasted a year. He bought this house with a minimum down payment that mostly came from his folks and us. unfortunately, he’s made it joint ownership with his girlfriend. and she doesn’t do much other than pump out babies and expect him to take care of her in the style to which she would like to become accustomed. His folks have already told him, the banks closed and we’ve said the same. His Mom wants him to move back home with babies in tow, girl friend to be left behind.

End of the World as they both know it if that happens.

Right now, he’s looking at Border Patrol for his next job, but that would mean he would not be home day in and day out. just for his days off. the responsibility for childcare, cooking, cleaning will fall to the girl friend – also EOTWAsheKI!

So it doesn’t mean an EMP, it doesn’t mean a pandemic – oh wait, we did have that and it pretty much was an EOTWAWKI event for everyone! It does mean any life changing event.

SHTF is anything that puts you unexpectedly in a major hustle situation; from job loss, major illness, accident, fire, etc.

So prepping is about those SHTF and EOTWAWKI moments.

My sweetie wants to retire, and for many reasons, including our own poor decisions, we are not economically ready for this. I’ve decided to put what extra money I can scrape up into prepping a larger garden and putting food by. Have spent the last few days canning meats. Thought about making some nice beef soup this week and ended up buying a london broil at $6.99/lb. 5 years ago, I could get an entire beef tenderloin for $6.99/lb!! Since meat won’t get cheaper (and if it does, I’ll buy and can that too!), got a second one and am canning them as I write this. Because retirement will absolutely be an EOTWAWKI event!

We can’t prep for every eventuality, but we can do the best we can. and so we are.